Management Policy

“What Do I Do About…?”

Mission: Renaissance Standard Operating Policy C O N F I D E N T I A L 15 November 2001 Revised 2 December 2002 "What Do I Do About…?" We are quite possibly the most mild mannered seniors I have ever known. We are by far, in my experience, the most caring of our staff. [...]

Instructor Minimum Age Requirement

Mission: Renaissance Standard Operating Policy C O N F I D E N T I A L 26 August 2001 Instructor Minimum Age Requirement Without getting into the particular reasons for this policy, it is hereby established that the minimum age requirement for an instructor is 18. No minor, even with current work permit, is [...]

Staff Training and Org. Losses

Mission: Renaissance Standard Operating Policy C O N F I D E N T I A L 26 August 2001 Staff Training and Org. Losses For any product to be brought to the public, an organization must have capable and willing staff. Thus the success or failure of the organization lay squarely in the [...]

Additional Service on Abrupt Staff Departures

Mission: Renaissance Standard Operating Policy C O N F I D E N T I A L 18 August 2001 Additional Service on Abrupt Staff Departures One way to combat the losses that come from the abrupt departure of a Program Director is to provide additional service in the program for a short period of [...]

Timing is Everything

Mission: Renaissance Standard Operating Policy C O N F I D E N T I A L 17 August 2001 Timing is Everything All programs, projects, plans, orders, and post turnovers must have as part of their design the element of timing. The best laid plan can become destructive by not taking time into consideration. [...]

Creating Posts for Other Agendas

Mission: Renaissance Standard Operating Policy C O N F I D E N T I A L 16 August 2001 Creating Posts for Other Agendas It is easy to get caught up in trying to make everything work out for everyone. However, attempting to accommodate a staff member’s needs and wants to the detriment [...]

Expenditure Approval Lines

Mission: Renaissance Standard Operating Policy C O N F I D E N T I A L 17 July 2001 Revised 25 July 2002 - to update Destinations Expenditure Approval Lines The following policy hereby establishes the current lines to be followed for all expenditures. 1. All requests for expenditures are to be submitted in [...]

Being Complacent

Mission: Renaissance Standard Operating Policy C O N F I D E N T I A L 9 April 2001 Being Complacent Larry and Sheila have entrusted each of us to manage their affairs and their interests here at M:R. They have asked us to take this responsibility and we each have agreed to do [...]

Steady on the Hiring Lines

Mission: Renaissance Standard Operating Policy C O N F I D E N T I A L 25 March 2001 Steady on the Hiring Lines We have come a long way in building this organization. We are delivering 10 times the hours of instruction today than we did only 9 years ago. We have made [...]

Should I Stay?

Mission: Renaissance Standard Operating Policy C O N F I D E N T I A L 11 April 2000 Should I Stay? I can only think of one time in the last 9 years where this policy did not apply, while on the other hand I can think of dozens of times where it [...]